The specific part of the Italian Penal Code covers offences against the public administration or those persons who, by law, represent the interests of the public administration. The State recognises the superior rank of the public administration, whose primary task is to protect and realise the complex interests and needs of the general public and therefore of the State. The supreme constitutional principles to which the public administration must adhere are impartiality and good administration (imparzialità e buon andamento dell'amministrazione). The public administration bodies must abide by these principles, since failure to do so may in itself constitute a case of abuse of office in the exercise of their official functions. Other typical cases of offences committed by a public official are embezzlement in office (peculato) and extortion in office (concussione). Conversely, a private individual is liable to prosecution for bribery (corruzione) of a public official if he or she offers money or other benefits to that official in order to obtain an act of public administration.